The two-fold purpose of Unmasked Prayer Ministry is to equip the Church for effective ministry to one another, and to see God’s people find healing and deliverance in Jesus Christ. Accordingly, Unmasked Prayer Ministry provides both teaching and personal ministry.

Unmasked Prayer Ministry provides teaching and training to bring understanding and practical application of Biblical principles regarding healing and deliverance.  Additionally, Unmasked Prayer Ministry provides a safe, nurturing atmosphere where we minister to core beliefs and life events that cause emotional distress, pain and bondage.

Contact us for an application or more info at

Unmasked Ministries Podcast

Do you know that everyone wears or has worn some kind of mask in their life to cover up the failure, pain, embarrassment, abuse, and/or sin in their lives?

If we are honest, Christlikeness seems so distant and hard to attain. The Bible says we are predestined to it, but most of us have given up on the abundant life Jesus promises and have settled in our heart to limp along until we are called home.

Gear up as Kati and Karissa discuss topics of inner healing such as belief systems, identity, bitterroot judgments and forgiveness, and healing the human spirit.

Listen to the podcast at