Intercessory Prayer Ministry

The Intercessory Prayer Ministry specializes in praying on behalf of the needs of others. We believe that God has called each and every one of us to partner up with Him in prayer and intercession on behalf of our churches, communities, cities, regions, states, nations and world, for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. (Matt. 6:10) Intercessors are “who we are" for it is part of our Spiritual Identity as Believers in Christ. Intercession is “what we do” and is part of the spiritual DNA of the Church. We are now a “Royal Priesthood” and a “Kingdom of Priests” called to serve in the ministry of Intercession along with our High Priest, King Jesus, who always lives to make intercession for us. (Heb. 7:25; 1 Peter 2:9; Rev. 1:6)

Our Vision: Develop a praying people to be a praying church by cultivating a culture of prayer.

Our Mission: For Intercessors to awaken, arise and take their place on the Wall of Intercession to pray the mind, will, and heart of God concerning our families, churches and communities.

Our Goal: To establish a rhythm of constant corporate worship, prayer and intercession that provokes the Kingdom of God to come, that ushers in the manifest Presence and Glory of God and prepares us for a greater outpouring of the Spirit that will birth revival and spiritual awakening in our churches, cities, regions and Nation.Our Purpose: Establish a rhythm of constant, corporate, and concentrated prayer and intercession that prepares us to experience the manifest Presence and Glory of God in our church. Prayer pushes back darkness out of our communities and provokes God's Kingdom to come and invade our cities.


The Intercessory Prayer Ministry serves every Sunday morning before each service begins. Our Pre-service Prayer times are 8:30-9 AM and 10:30-11 AM in the Prayer Room located in the Life Center. Intercessory Prayer also takes place during the week at the Bow Down office. For more details and info on how to be involved in whatever capacity you feel led to, don't hesitate to contact us.

We would love to have you come and partner up with us in prayer for the needs of our churches, communities, cities and nations.. If you have a special prayer request you would like us to pray, please email. We have a team of prayer leaders who are standing by to pray with you and for you.